what did union forces decide to attack in their effort to demoralize the south after 1863
The Civil War, 1860–1865
1863: The Changing Nature of the War
Learning Objectives
Past the end of this section, you will exist able to:
- Explain what is meant past the term "full war" and provide examples
- Describe mobilization efforts in the North and the South
- Explicate why 1863 was a pivotal twelvemonth in the war
Wars accept their ain logic; they last far longer than anyone anticipates at the starting time of hostilities. As they drag on, the energy and zeal that marked the entry into warfare often wane, as losses increase and people on both sides endure the tolls of war. The American Ceremonious War is a case study of this feature of mod war.
Although Northerners and Southerners both anticipated that the battle between the Confederacy and the Marriage would exist settled quickly, information technology presently became clear to all that in that location was no resolution in sight. The longer the war continued, the more than it began to affect life in both the North and the South. Increased need for manpower, the consequence of slavery, and the ongoing challenges of keeping the war effort going changed the style life on both sides every bit the conflict progressed.
By tardily 1862, the grade of the war had inverse to take on the characteristics of total state of war, in which armies attempt to demoralize the enemy by both hit military targets and disrupting their opponent'southward power to wage war through destruction of their resource. In this type of war, armies often make no stardom between civilian and military machine targets. Both the Union and Confederate forces moved toward full war, although neither side ever entirely abolished the stardom between military machine and civilian. Total war also requires governments to mobilize all resources, extending their reach into their citizens' lives every bit never before. Some other reality of war that became apparent in 1862 and across was the influence of combat on the size and scope of regime. Both the Confederacy and the Union governments had to proceed to grow in order to manage the logistics of recruiting men and maintaining, feeding, and equipping an army.
Amalgamated Mobilization
The Confederate authorities in Richmond, Virginia, exercised sweeping powers to ensure victory, in stark contradiction to u.s.a.' rights sentiments held by many Southern leaders. The initial emotional outburst of enthusiasm for state of war in the Confederacy waned, and the Amalgamated regime instituted a war machine draft in April 1862. Under the terms of the draft, all men betwixt the ages of xviii and thirty-five would serve three years. The draft had a unlike upshot on men of different socioeconomic classes. I loophole permitted men to rent substitutes instead of serving in the Confederate ground forces. This provision favored the wealthy over the poor, and led to much resentment and resistance. Exercising its power over the states, the Amalgamated Congress denied state efforts to circumvent the draft.
In order to fund the war, the Confederate government too took over the South'due south economy. The authorities ran Southern industry and built substantial transportation and industrial infrastructure to brand the weapons of war. Over the objections of slaveholders, it impressed slaves, seizing these workers from their owners and forcing them to work on fortifications and rails lines. Concerned about the resistance to and unhappiness with the government measures, in 1862, the Confederate Congress gave President Davis the power to append the writ of habeas corpus, the correct of those arrested to be brought before a gauge or court to determine whether at that place is cause to agree the prisoner. With a stated goal of bolstering national security in the fledgling republic, this change meant that the Confederacy could abort and detain indefinitely any suspected enemy without giving a reason. This growth of the Amalgamated central government stood every bit a glaring contradiction to the before states' rights statement of pro-Confederate advocates.
The war efforts were costing the new nation dearly. Nevertheless, the Confederate Congress heeded the pleas of wealthy plantation owners and refused to identify a tax on slaves or cotton, despite the Confederacy's desperate need for the revenue that such a revenue enhancement would accept raised. Instead, the Confederacy drafted a revenue enhancement plan that kept the Southern elite happy simply in no way met the needs of the war. The authorities likewise resorted to printing immense amounts of newspaper money, which quickly led to runaway inflation. Food prices soared, and poor, white Southerners faced starvation. In Apr 1863, thousands of hungry people rioted in Richmond, Virginia ([link]). Many of the rioters were mothers who could not feed their children. The anarchism ended when President Davis threatened to take Confederate forces open burn down on the crowds.
Rampant inflation in the 1860s made food too expensive for many Southerners, leading to widespread starvation.
One of the reasons that the Confederacy was so economically devastated was its sick-brash run a risk that cotton fiber sales would continue during the war. The government had high hopes that United kingdom and France, which both used cotton as the raw material in their textile mills, would ensure the South's economic strength—and therefore victory in the state of war—by continuing to buy. Furthermore, the Confederate government hoped that Bully Britain and French republic would make loans to their new nation in social club to ensure the connected flow of raw materials. These hopes were never realized. Britain in item did not wish to risk war with the Usa, which would have meant the invasion of Canada. The United States was besides a major source of grain for U.k. and an important purchaser of British appurtenances. Furthermore, the blockade made Southern trade with Europe hard. Instead, United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, the major consumer of American cotton fiber, found alternate sources in India and Egypt, leaving the Due south without the income or alliance it had predictable.
Dissent within the Confederacy also affected the South's ability to fight the state of war. Confederate politicians disagreed over the amount of power that the central authorities should be allowed to exercise. Many states' rights advocates, who favored a weak central government and supported the sovereignty of individual states, resented President Davis's efforts to induct troops, impose taxation to pay for the war, and requisition necessary resources. Governors in the Confederate states oftentimes proved reluctant to provide supplies or troops for the employ of the Confederate government. Even Jefferson Davis'due south vice president Alexander Stephens opposed conscription, the seizure of slave property to piece of work for the Confederacy, and suspension of habeas corpus. Grade divisions also divided Confederates. Poor whites resented the power of wealthy slaveholders to excuse themselves from armed services service. Racial tensions plagued the S as well. On those occasions when free blacks volunteered to serve in the Confederate regular army, they were turned away, and enslaved African Americans were regarded with fear and suspicion, every bit whites whispered amid themselves about the possibility of slave insurrections.
Union Mobilization
Mobilization for war proved to be easier in the North than it was in the Southward. During the state of war, the federal authorities in Washington, DC, like its Southern counterpart, undertook a broad range of efforts to ensure its victory over the Confederacy. To fund the state of war effort and finance the expansion of Union infrastructure, Republicans in Congress drastically expanded government activism, impacting citizens' everyday lives through measures such as new types of taxation. The government also contracted with major suppliers of nutrient, weapons, and other needed materials. Virtually every sector of the Northern economy became linked to the war effort.
In keeping with their longstanding objective of keeping slavery out of the newly settled western territories, the Republicans in Congress (the dominant party) passed several measures in 1862. Offset, the Homestead Act provided generous inducements for Northerners to relocate and subcontract in the Westward. Settlers could lay merits to 160 acres of federal land by residing on the property for v years and improving it. The act not but motivated free-labor farmers to motion west, but it also aimed to increase farm production for the war effort. The federal government as well turned its attention to creating a transcontinental railroad to facilitate the movement of people and goods across the country. Congress chartered ii companies, the Spousal relationship Pacific and the Central Pacific, and provided generous funds for these two businesses to connect the country past rail.
The Republican accent on gratuitous labor, rather than slave labor, also influenced the 1862 State Grant College Act, commonly known as the Morrill Deed after its author, Vermont Republican senator Justin Smith Morrill. The measure provided for the creation of agronomical colleges, funded through federal grants, to teach the latest agronomical techniques. Each state in the Spousal relationship would be granted xxx thousand acres of federal land for the use of these institutions of higher educational activity.
Congress paid for the war using several strategies. They levied a tax on the income of the wealthy, equally well as a taxation on all inheritances. They also put high tariffs in place. Finally, they passed two National Bank Acts, one in 1863 and one in 1864, calling on the U.Due south. Treasury to event war bonds and on Union banks to buy the bonds. A Union campaign to convince individuals to buy the bonds helped increase sales. The Republicans also passed the Legal Tender Human activity of 1862, calling for paper money—known as cash—to be printed [link]). Some $150 one thousand thousand worth of greenbacks became legal tender, and the Northern economy boomed, although high inflation also resulted.
The Union began printing these paper "greenbacks" to employ equally legal tender as one of its strategies for funding the state of war effort.
Like the Confederacy, the Matrimony turned to conscription to provide the troops needed for the war. In March 1863, Congress passed the Enrollment Human action, requiring all unmarried men between the ages of twenty and xx-five, and all married men between the ages of thirty-5 and forty-5—including immigrants who had filed for citizenship—to register with the Matrimony to fight in the Civil War. All who registered were subject to military machine service, and draftees were selected by a lottery system ([link]). As in the South, a loophole in the police allowed individuals to hire substitutes if they could beget it. Others could avoid enlistment past paying $300 to the federal authorities. In keeping with the Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford, African Americans were non citizens and were therefore exempt from the draft.
The Union tried to provide additional incentives for soldiers, in the form of bounties, to enlist without waiting for the draft, equally shown in recruitment posters (a) and (b).
Like the Confederacy, the Spousal relationship also took the stride of suspending habeas corpus rights, and so those suspected of pro-Amalgamated sympathies could be arrested and held without being given the reason. Lincoln had selectively suspended the writ of habeas corpus in the slave state of Maryland, habitation to many Confederate sympathizers, in 1861 and 1862, in an endeavor to ensure that the Union uppercase would be safe. In March 1863, he signed into police the Habeas Corpus Suspension Deed, giving him the power to detain suspected Confederate operatives throughout the Union. The Lincoln assistants also closed down three hundred newspapers as a national security measure during the war.
In both the North and the South, the Civil War dramatically increased the ability of the belligerent governments. Breaking all past precedents in American history, both the Confederacy and the Union employed the power of their central governments to mobilize resources and citizens.
Women's Mobilization
As men on both sides mobilized for the war, so did women. In both the North and the Due south, women were forced to take over farms and businesses abandoned by their husbands as they left for war. Women organized themselves into ladies' help societies to sew uniforms, knit socks, and raise coin to purchase necessities for the troops. In the Southward, women took wounded soldiers into their homes to nurse. In the North, women volunteered for the U.s.a. Sanitary Commission, which formed in June 1861. They inspected military camps with the goal of improving cleanliness and reducing the number of soldiers who died from disease, the most mutual cause of death in the war. They likewise raised money to buy medical supplies and helped with the injured. Other women found jobs in the Union army as cooks and laundresses. Thousands volunteered to care for the sick and wounded in response to a call by reformer Dorothea Dix, who was placed in charge of the Union army's nurses. According to rumor, Dix sought respectable women over the age of thirty who were "patently most to repulsion in dress" and thus could be trusted non to form romantic liaisons with soldiers. Women on both sides also acted as spies and, disguised equally men, engaged in gainsay.
Early in the war, President Lincoln approached the issue of slavery cautiously. While he disapproved of slavery personally, he did non believe that he had the authority to abolish it. Furthermore, he feared that making the abolition of slavery an objective of the war would crusade the border slave states to join the Confederacy. His one objective in 1861 and 1862 was to restore the Marriage.
Lincoln'due south Evolving Thoughts on Slavery
President Lincoln wrote the following letter to paper editor Horace Greeley on Baronial 22, 1862. In it, Lincoln states his position on slavery, which is notable for beingness a middle-of-the-road stance. Lincoln's later public speeches on the outcome take the more strident antislavery tone for which he is remembered.
I would salvage the Union. I would relieve information technology the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authorisation can be restored the nearer the Wedlock volition exist "the Union equally it was." If in that location be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the aforementioned time salve Slavery, I do not concur with them. If there exist those who would not salve the Union unless they could at the aforementioned time destroy Slavery, I practice not hold with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to relieve or destroy Slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it, and if I could save it past freeing all the slaves, I would practise it, and if I could save it past freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also practise that. What I do virtually Slavery and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to salvage this Union, and what I forbear, I forbear because I practise not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall practice more whenever I shall believe doing more will assist the crusade. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views. I have hither stated my purpose co-ordinate to my view of official duty, and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men, everywhere, could be free. Yours, A. LINCOLN.
How would you characterize Lincoln's public position in August 1862? What was he prepared to do for slaves, and under what conditions?
Since the beginning of the war, thousands of slaves had fled to the safe of Marriage lines. In May 1861, Union general Benjamin Butler and others labeled these refugees from slavery contrabands. Butler reasoned that since Southern states had left the The states, he was not obliged to follow federal fugitive slave laws. Slaves who made it through the Union lines were shielded by the U.S. military and not returned to slavery. The intent was not only to help slaves only also to deprive the Due south of a valuable source of manpower.
Congress began to define the status of these ex-slaves in 1861 and 1862. In August 1861, legislators approved the Confiscation Human activity of 1861, empowering the Spousal relationship to seize property, including slaves, used by the Confederacy. The Republican-dominated Congress took additional steps, abolishing slavery in Washington, DC, in April 1862. Congress passed a second Confiscation Act in July 1862, which extended freedom to delinquent slaves and those captured by Union armies. In that calendar month, Congress also addressed the consequence of slavery in the Westward, banning the practice in the territories. This federal law made the 1846 Wilmot Proviso and the dreams of the Free-Soil Party a reality. Nevertheless, even every bit the Union regime took steps to aid individual slaves and to limit the do of slavery, it passed no measure to accost the institution of slavery as a whole.
Lincoln moved slowly and charily on the outcome of abolition. His chief business was the cohesion of the Union and the bringing of the Southern states back into the fold. However, as the war dragged on and many thousands of contrabands fabricated their way north, Republicans in Congress continued to call for the cease of slavery. Throughout his political career, Lincoln's plans for former slaves had been to ship them to Liberia. As tardily as Baronial 1862, he had hoped to interest African Americans in edifice a colony for old slaves in Cardinal America, an thought that institute favor neither with blackness leaders nor with abolitionists, and thus was abandoned by Lincoln. Responding to Congressional demands for an end to slavery, Lincoln presented an ultimatum to the Confederates on September 22, 1862, shortly later the Confederate retreat at Antietam. He gave the Amalgamated states until Jan 1, 1863, to rejoin the Marriage. If they did, slavery would continue in the slave states. If they refused to rejoin, however, the state of war would continue and all slaves would be freed at its decision. The Confederacy took no activeness. It had committed itself to maintaining its independence and had no interest in the president's ultimatum.
On January 1, 1863, Lincoln made good on his hope and signed the Emancipation Announcement. It stated "That on the first twenty-four hour period of Jan, in the yr of our Lord thousand 8 hundred and sixty-iii, all persons held every bit slaves within whatever State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion confronting the United States, shall exist then, thenceforward, and forever free." The announcement did not immediately free the slaves in the Confederate states. Although they were in rebellion against the U.s., the lack of the Union army's presence in such areas meant that the president'south directive could non be enforced. The proclamation also did not free slaves in the border states, because these states were not, by definition, in rebellion. Lincoln relied on his powers equally commander-in-chief in issuing the Emancipation Proclamation. He knew the proclamation could be easily challenged in court, merely by excluding the territories still outside his control, slaveholders and slave governments could not sue him. Moreover, slave states in the Union, such as Kentucky, could non sue considering the annunciation did not apply to them. Slaveholders in Kentucky knew full well that if the institution were abolished throughout the South, information technology would not survive in a scattering of edge territories. Despite the limits of the proclamation, Lincoln dramatically shifted the objective of the war increasingly toward catastrophe slavery. The Emancipation Proclamation became a awe-inspiring footstep forward on the route to changing the character of the United States.
Read through the full text of the Emancipation Declaration at the National Archives website.
The proclamation generated quick and dramatic reactions. The news created euphoria amidst slaves, as information technology signaled the eventual cease of their bondage. Predictably, Amalgamated leaders raged against the annunciation, reinforcing their commitment to fight to maintain slavery, the foundation of the Confederacy. In the Northward, opinions split widely on the issue. Abolitionists praised Lincoln's actions, which they saw equally the fulfillment of their long campaign to strike downwardly an immoral institution. Merely other Northerners, especially Irish, working-class, urban dwellers loyal to the Democratic Party and others with racist behavior, hated the new goal of emancipation and found the idea of freed slaves repugnant. At its cadre, much of this racism had an economic foundation: Many Northerners feared competing with emancipated slaves for scarce jobs.
In New York City, the Emancipation Proclamation, combined with unhappiness over the Union draft, which began in March 1863, fanned the flames of white racism. Many New Yorkers supported the Confederacy for business organisation reasons, and, in 1861, the metropolis'southward mayor actually suggested that New York City get out the Union. On July 13, 1863, 2 days subsequently the first typhoon lottery took place, this racial hatred erupted into violence. A volunteer fire visitor whose commander had been drafted initiated a riot, and the violence spread quickly across the city. The rioters chose targets associated either with the Spousal relationship army or with African Americans. An arsenal was destroyed, as was a Brooks Brothers' store, which supplied uniforms to the army. White mobs attacked and killed black New Yorkers and destroyed an African American orphanage ([link]). On the fourth day of the riots, federal troops dispatched by Lincoln arrived in the city and ended the violence. Millions of dollars in property had been destroyed. More than one hundred people died, approximately 1 thousand were left injured, and nearly 1-5th of the urban center's African American population fled New York in fear.
The race riots in New York showed just how divided the Due north was on the issue of equality, fifty-fifty equally the North went to state of war with the South over the issue of slavery.
The war in the w continued in favor of the North in 1863. At the start of the yr, Union forces controlled much of the Mississippi River. In the spring and summer of 1862, they had captured New Orleans—the most of import port in the Confederacy, through which cotton fiber harvested from all the Southern states was exported—and Memphis. Grant had and then attempted to capture Vicksburg, Mississippi, a commercial eye on the bluffs above the Mississippi River. In one case Vicksburg fell, the Union would accept won complete control over the river. A military machine bombardment that summertime failed to force a Confederate give up. An attack past land forces also failed in December 1862.
In April 1863, the Spousal relationship began a final attempt to capture Vicksburg. On July three, later more a month of a Union siege, during which Vicksburg'south residents hid in caves to protect themselves from the bombardment and ate their pets to stay alive, Grant finally accomplished his objective. The trapped Confederate forces surrendered. The Spousal relationship had succeeded in capturing Vicksburg and splitting the Confederacy ([link]). This victory inflicted a serious blow to the Southern war try.
In this illustration, Union gun boats burn on Vicksburg in the campaign that helped the Marriage have control of the Mississippi River.
As Grant and his forces pounded Vicksburg, Amalgamated strategists, at the urging of General Lee, who had defeated a larger Union army at Chancellorsville, Virginia, in May 1863, decided on a assuming programme to invade the North. Leaders hoped this invasion would force the Spousal relationship to send troops engaged in the Vicksburg entrada east, thus weakening their power over the Mississippi. Further, they hoped the aggressive action of pushing north would weaken the Matrimony's resolve to fight. Lee also hoped that a significant Confederate victory in the N would convince Nifty Uk and France to extend support to Jefferson Davis's regime and encourage the N to negotiate peace.
Start in June 1863, Full general Lee began to move the Ground forces of Northern Virginia north through Maryland. The Marriage ground forces—the Army of the Potomac—traveled east to end upwardly alongside the Confederate forces. The two armies met at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where Confederate forces had gone to secure supplies. The resulting boxing lasted three days, July 1–3 ([link]) and remains the biggest and costliest battle ever fought in N America. The climax of the Battle of Gettysburg occurred on the third day. In the morning, afterward a fight lasting several hours, Union forces fought back a Amalgamated set on on Culp'southward Hill, one of the Union's defensive positions. To regain a perceived advantage and secure victory, Lee ordered a frontal assault, known as Pickett's Charge (for Confederate full general George Pickett), confronting the centre of the Union lines on Cemetery Ridge. Approximately fifteen g Confederate soldiers took part, and more than than half lost their lives, equally they avant-garde nearly a mile beyond an open field to assail the entrenched Union forces. In all, more than than a tertiary of the Army of Northern Virginia had been lost, and on the evening of July 4, Lee and his men slipped away in the rain. General George Meade did non pursue them. Both sides suffered staggering losses. Total casualties numbered around twenty-three thousand for the Matrimony and some twenty-eight yard among the Confederates. With its defeats at Gettysburg and Vicksburg, both on the same day, the Confederacy lost its momentum. The tide had turned in favor of the Union in both the east and the west.
As this map indicates, the battlefield at Gettysburg was the farthest north that the Confederate army avant-garde. (credit: Hal Jesperson)
Post-obit the Battle of Gettysburg, the bodies of those who had fallen were hastily buried. Attorney David Wills, a resident of Gettysburg, campaigned for the creation of a national cemetery on the site of the battleground, and the governor of Pennsylvania tasked him with creating it. President Lincoln was invited to attend the cemetery'due south dedication. After the featured orator had delivered a ii-60 minutes speech communication, Lincoln addressed the oversupply for several minutes. In his speech, known every bit the Gettysburg Address, which he had finished writing while a guest in David Wills' dwelling house the day before the dedication, Lincoln invoked the Founding Fathers and the spirit of the American Revolution. The Spousal relationship soldiers who had died at Gettysburg, he proclaimed, had died non only to preserve the Union, just also to guarantee freedom and equality for all.
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Several months later on the battle at Gettysburg, Lincoln traveled to Pennsylvania and, speaking to an audition at the dedication of the new Soldiers' National Ceremony near the site of the battle, he delivered his at present-famous Gettysburg Address to commemorate the turning point of the war and the soldiers whose sacrifices had fabricated it possible. The two-minute speech was politely received at the time, although press reactions split along party lines. Upon receiving a letter of congratulations from Massachusetts politician and orator William Everett, whose speech at the anniversary had lasted for ii hours, Lincoln said he was glad to know that his cursory address, at present virtually immortal, was not "a full failure."
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought along on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Freedom, and dedicated to the proffer that all men are created equal.
At present we are engaged in a groovy ceremonious war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that state of war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a concluding resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is birthday fitting and proper that nosotros should do this.
Information technology is for united states of america the living . . . to be here dedicated to the great job remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the final full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall accept a new birth of liberty—and that government of the people, past the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
—Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, Nov 19, 1863
What did Lincoln mean past "a new nascence of freedom"? What did he mean when he said "a authorities of the people, by the people, for the people, shall non perish from the earth"?
Acclaimed filmmaker Ken Burns has created a documentary about a small-scale boys' school in Vermont where students memorize the Gettysburg Accost. It explores the value the address has in these boys' lives, and why the words still matter.
Section Summary
The year 1863 proved decisive in the Ceremonious State of war for ii major reasons. First, the Union transformed the purpose of the struggle from restoring the Union to catastrophe slavery. While Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation actually succeeded in freeing few slaves, it made freedom for African Americans a crusade of the Spousal relationship. Second, the tide increasingly turned confronting the Confederacy. The success of the Vicksburg Entrada had given the Spousal relationship command of the Mississippi River, and Lee'southward defeat at Gettysburg had ended the attempted Confederate invasion of the Northward.
Review Questions
Which of the following did the Due north not practice to mobilize for war?
- establish a armed forces draft
- grade a armed services alliance with Great Britain
- print paper money
- laissez passer the Homestead Human activity
Why is 1863 considered a turning point in the Ceremonious War?
At the beginning of 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Annunciation, which freed all slaves in areas under rebellion. This changed the war from one in which the Northward fought to preserve the Spousal relationship to one in which it fought to complimentary enslaved African Americans. On the battleground, Union forces led by Grant captured Vicksburg, Mississippi, splitting the Confederacy in two and depriving it of a major avenue of transportation. In the east, Full general Meade stopped a Confederate invasion of the North at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
- contrabands
- slaves who escaped to the Union regular army'due south lines
- Emancipation Proclamation
- signed on Jan 1, 1863, the document with which President Lincoln transformed the Civil War into a struggle to end slavery
- Gettysburg Address
- a speech by Abraham Lincoln dedicating the war machine cemetery at Gettysburg on Nov nineteen, 1863
- greenbacks
- paper money the United States began to result during the Civil War
- habeas corpus
- the right of those arrested to be brought before a judge or court to determine whether there is cause to concur the prisoner
- total war
- a state of war in which the government makes no stardom between military and civilian targets, and mobilizes all resources, extending its attain into all areas of citizens' lives
Source: http://pressbooks-dev.oer.hawaii.edu/ushistory/chapter/1863-the-changing-nature-of-the-war/
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