facebook friends montageGaining new 'friends' on Facebook is half the fun of it, the other half is serious business. So, what happens when yous notice your friend count only went from 372, down to 370? Yikes – y'all just got unfriended by two friends, and for no apparent reason!

Check out these ten reasons beneath to help you effigy it all out…but, beginning…

Let'south exist grateful that Facebook does not publicly humiliate usa all by list who had the brazenness tounfriended u.s.a.. Only, at present at that place is a browser extension that helps you lot have matters into your own hands. Information technology is chosen, Unfriend Finder.

This script volition tell you lot which friends have removed you lot or deactivated their accounts, and who has dared to decline your friend request. (Note: this handy tool cannot tell you which profile(s) had you on their friendlist before it was installed. Unfriend Finder is not retroactive.)
…and exist enlightened, Unfriend Finder volition not assistance you from losing your friends!

10 Reasons Why You Got Unfriended on Facebook:

Guest author: Tania Khadder. Originally posted on ArtBistro.Monster.com
Do you really need to be in touch with people you barely knew (or liked) in loftier schoolhouse? If y'all didn't know how many virtual goats they'd raised or what their kids had for tiffin, would you exist missing anything? And somewhere 'out in that location', someone might be thinking the exact same affair about you lot!
Yous might want to steer clear of these annoying behaviors…
1. O versharing
People tend to forget that their friend listing is every bit dynamic equally the life they lead. Keep that in mind when you're about to share something you wouldn't tell your cousin or coworker in a confront-to-face setting. Very few people want to see pictures from your ultrasound. And I can't call up of anyone who wants to hear about your sexcapades.

skeleton in the closet cartoon

2. Exposing your friend'south vices
Your friend might smoke openly exterior Molly McGees on a Friday nighttime, just that doesn't mean they want their mother, spouse, or even their employer to know about it. Comments like,"I can't believe you managed to become habitation after that terminal whiskey sour!" or,"Deplorable for bumming your smokes all night," could put your friend in an awkward position at home or get them in trouble at work. If so, they'll put you in the unfriend list.
pointing the finger
3. Hating on everyone and everything
We all have at least one friend similar this. Her condition isn't so much an update as information technology is a forum for some gratis – and very public – anger management therapy. She can never expect for this day to be over. She just tin't bu-lieve Subway put mayo on her sandwich. She hates it when women bring their kids to the mall/babies weep on airplanes/people don't clean up after their dogs.
No one wants to spend fourth dimension with a Negative Nancy, so why would they desire one huffing and puffing all over their news feed?
4. Passive aggressive condition updates
These updates almost e'er include the word 'you'.

"You keep to disappoint me."

"You won't always REALLY go it."

"How come up you have time to update your status, but you never call me back?"

When you lot mail updates like this, every single 1 of your friends volition entertain the idea that it'due south directed at them. Not prissy. Be a grown up and send the offender a passive aggressive text bulletin instead.
5. A breakup
Even when it's non your ain. If your all-time friend has only gone through a messy break-upward, don't be surprised if you lot no longer see her ex-beau in your friend listing. And information technology's non always nearly taking sides or being guilty by association. The poor guy might non want to see pictures of his former flame doing body shots off her new friends in Cancun. Can you lot really blame him?

broken heart

6. Stalking
Facebook encourages stalker behavior. Merely how exercise yous know when you've crossed the line? If you're annotate on and like everything someone says and does, and they never seem to return the favor, you might just be "that creepy girl." Information technology's only a matter of time earlier y'all're cutting off.
7. Polarizing posts
Religion and politics: while you have every right to talk about them, don't look everyone to listen. If y'all're towing the Tea Political party line oft (and loudly) on Facebook, your more than liberal friends might just give yous the kicking.

eight. Bombarding your friends with game updates, quizzes, or upshot invites

Everyone uses Facebook for different reasons. Some like to keep up with friends through their photos and posts. Others similar to share information about the topics they're interested in. And then there are the people who like to download every app, game or quiz they come up across. If y'all autumn into the latter category, your friends might tire of your Farmville updates.
blue ribbons and a trophy for success
nine. Bragging
If y'all've always had the best twenty-four hours ever, tin can't believe how peachy your hubby/job/life is, and have no shame in sharing your every success (big or small), your Facebook friends probably hate you.
ten. Doing nix at all
A lot of Facebook relationships are based on some loose connection, past or present. If you get unfriended and aren't guilty of numbers 1 through ix, chances are you were never really friends in the first place. Don't fret. You're not missing much. I know, I know. You wanted to be the one to unfriend. If it makes yous feel amend, cake them.


What are some other means to get unfriended on Facebook? Please feel free to share them in the comments below! ~Lori
BTW, let's connect on Facebook and on Twitter 🙂
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